휴대폰(Android 또는 IOS)이나 PC(Windows, Linux)에서 설정이나 장치 데이터 시각화에서 가장 중요한 부분은 USB, WIFI, BLE, 이더넷 또는 기타 프로토콜을 통해 장치와 통신하는 프로그램입니다.
Contact자바 / Kotlin / C# / C/C++ / Python / 자바 스크립트
USB / 이더넷
MQTT / HTTP / FTP / Modbus TCP/RTU / SNMP / TCP/IP / UDP/IP / DLMS / 사용자 정의 프로토콜
GStreamer / Paho MQTT / WolfSSL(SSL/TLS) / Mbed TLS(SSL/TLS) / QT 프레임워크 / .NET MAUI / Xamarin Forms 및 Maui / ASP.NET Core 및 웹 개발 / React(웹 UI 개발) / SQLite DB / FireBase DB / Mong DB / InfuxDB DB / Room / TensorFlow / Node.js
비주얼 스튜디오
GCC(리눅스와 윈도우)
안드로이드 스튜디오
As the first step our team makes technical requirements of the software, it describes all technologies (database, communication protocols, Frameworks, GUI, architecture of each module) and logic of the work
At this stage, we do architecture design based on the requirements. It usually includes: a software block diagram, a workflow diagram (describe deep logic of the work), and a UML/API diagram(describe all files and code classes/modules)
In this stage, we divide the scope of the work based on the UML/API into small sprints (usually 2 weeks each) and make planing with the delivery of each part. Each week make small delivery of the code based on the planning
If the project has enough code size and budget (we have rules), a responsible engineer does a code review. After that’s QA engineer tests all the code files rather manually or by writing the tests.. For the current steps, we use the standard GIT mechanism with merge request and management schema from Jira
When some parts of the code is done and it’s agreed with the customer - we deliver (release) the software. Use usually for this GIT standard mechanism of the delivery/release code and GIT tags. The delivery includes full development of the current stage, code review, full regression testing and a demo project that shows how the current part of the code works
It’s the last stage of the development, on this stage we finish the development, code review and testing of the final code. we make sure that we fit the technical requirements and expectations with the customer. Especially, all our software are based on the device control(BLE, USB, CAN, WIFI, etc) and in this case, we need to make sure all works well and final testing was done with the last device version
Each project has a support stage and bug fixing because after a final release, will need some improvements. We usually agree with the customer on a period of support. It could be how a few months and a few years (if a complicated project)
Kyiv City, str Vaclav Havel 4, 사무실 422
Vinnytsia City, Kyivska 41
하르키우 시티, St. Karazyna 1,
더 자세히 알고 싶으십니까? 제품 개발에 도움이 필요하십니까? 귀하의 비즈니스 요구 사항에 대해 알려주십시오. 완벽한 솔루션을 찾아드리겠습니다.