- PFC - Solar charging controller - Chargers - High voltage control - Motor controllers DC/AC/BLDC
- High-accuracy analog measurements (EEG, ECG, PPG, EMG, Piezoelectric signals) - Noise filtration - Digital to analog conversion - Amplifying signal - Analog video CVBS, Analog HD (AHD) - Ultrasound measurements
- Memories DDRx/LPDDRx, SDRAM - Camera and display interfaces (MIPI-DSI, MIPI-CSI, DisplayPort, etc) - Data communication interfaces (QSpi, SPI, Uart, I2C, FMC, I2S, USB 2/3.x, etc)
- 50-60 GHz (Radars) - 1-6 GHz (UWB, Wifi, BLE, ZigBee, GPS, NB-IoT, LTE-M/LTE, Z-Wave, etc) - 13,6 MHz, 128 kHz (NFC, RFID, etc) - 400-1000 MHz (LoRa, LoRaWan, UHF/RFID RAIN, etc)
Altium designer
NFC Antenna Design Hub
Kyiv City, str Vaclav Havel 4, office 422
Vinnytsia City, Kyivska 41
Kharkiv City, St. Karazyna 1,
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